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Doula Services

 Doulas have a positive impact on the well-being of the entire family

While doctors and midwives are primarily concerned with the physical health and safety of their clients, doulas focus on emotional support


Birth Doula 

Conception, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are not just physical events. They are deeply emotional and have a permanent imprint on everyone’s lives, which means great care needs to be taken during these precious and sacred journeys.


A doula is a valuable member of your birth team, who is  focused on this important aspect of becoming a parent, offering loving support and guidance without judgement.

Doula support during pregnancy can help ease anxieties when the “what ifs” start coming up, without spending hours searching the internet and being left confused more than ever. As your doula I will remind you of all your options and help you make informed decisions that feel right for your family.

In labor I will offer physical support in the form of comfort techniques, positions to progress labor, and making sure that your birth plan is followed by all that are attending.  I am also there to offer informational support, helping you to feel more confident about each part of your birthing journey.


Above all else, I will hold space for the energetic transformation that occurs when a new family is born, so that each person can feel safe and supported.

This service is offered to my clients that have taken my HypnoBirthing classes - $1,000 

  • One visit during your pregnancy shortly before the birth.

  • One postpartum visit and referrals to additional resources as needed.

  • Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week starting two weeks prior to your due date until the birth of your baby.

  • Continuous support during labor and birth.


The birth of my daughter Lily was not easy. I had a 48 hour labor with over 3 hours of pushing. My plan through out my pregnancy was to have an all natural, Intervention free delivery. However, things did not go as intended. My water broke, there was meconium in my amniotic fluid and my labor did not progress. I ended up having almost every single intervention possible, except for a C-section. TerriAnne was a huge part of why I did not end up on a operating room table that day. Every medical person in the room was telling me that I was too tired, that I needed to give up and accept that I was going to need to have a C-section, that's when I looked to TerriAnne. Her entire being told me otherwise. She would not let me doubt myself. It was not an option. She connected with me in a very powerful way. It was in her eyes, her voice, her presence. It felt like she was the only person in that room, other than myself, who still believed in the power of my body. Having her support, her encouragement, her strength made it possible for me to continue to push. The hospital staff were right, I was tired and Lily's head was facing the wrong direction making things extremely difficult, but TerriAnne advocated for me and my daughter. She did so not by creating tension or speaking to others in the room, but by completely focusing in on me. I needed someone to stay with me in that sacred mind space you have to go in to when giving birth. Her ability to do this washed away all other fears and doubtful voices. If she was not there I'm sure I would have given up and just let them perform the C-section. Instead I decided that there was no way I was going to let that happen. I told them to let me try to push one more time. My 48 hour labor ended with a vaginal birth to a beautiful baby girl. Thank you TerriAnne  *Elizabeth Amanda Huayllara 

I met TerriAnne in 1985 when I was pregnant with my first child. She was a teacher at the Childbirth Education classes required by my obstetrician in order for me to have a homebirth. When I became pregnant with my second child, I attended her class,Raising Spiritual Children, at Artemis College. I did some private counseling with her before the birth. After my eldest son was born, TerriAnne came to help with meals and childcare for my family. I studied dance with TerriAnne through my third pregnancy and she guided and held my two older children as they witnessed the birth of their baby brother. Throughout all these birth experiences, TerriAnne was available for emotional support and labor support (birthing  and domestic). She organized teams to provide food and childcare for my family for two weeks following each delivery so that I could recuperate. TerriAnne has continued to guide me through some of life’s most challenging moments; the death of my father and caring for a gravely ill son. TerriAnne has innate wisdom in womancraft; midwifery, mothering, healing, ritual, spirituality, herbs, nutrition and dance. In attendance, she opens the way for a safe, nurturing experience for the whole family. *Nancy Fuller                          

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